We’re deeply shocked and disappointed by the decision of Gamejolt administration to take down all adult content from their site, including our game.
For many people, pornography is a need, as not everyone for their reasons can get enough satisfaction from sex in real life. The administration, by blindly obeying dogmatic stereotypes, is going to damage thousands of their userswhile doing better for none.
Another witch-hunt of fighting adult content, hoping to make a better public image, or whatever reason they have in minds, is just ridiculous. The only public image Gamejolt will get by doing so is showing great disrespect to the creators who for free filled with content this site and literally made it from nothing, and to their users who followed and paid for hundreds of adult gameson the site. How other creators can count on the goodwill of their platform that without notice and discussion takes the whole section down?
Especially we’re outraged with the phrase “normalizes the sexual acts”. WTF? Is sex something not normal? Even more disgusting is the fact they put the sexual act and sexual violence after a comma like it’s the same thing.
We’re asking our fellow followers as well as each fan of adult games to write an email to the Gamejolt administration (contact@gamejolt.com) telling what you think about their actions. You can do it on Twitter as well - we believe that after hearing the opinions of their users they’ll understand their mistake.
From our side, we can assure you that we’ll keep fighting against the discrimination of adult content and its users by dogmatic sectarians who, led by their sick understanding of justice keep fighting for nothing right and damage to thousands of people who aren’t to blame for anything wrong - except enjoying the God-given gift of sex and love.
Sex is the origin of any life, and therefore it is the life itself. The lack of sexual satisfaction leads only to neurosis and, therefore, tension and hatred in society. Ban of the adult content - literally ban of the sex satisfaction, will only harm everyone. We honestly hope that the Gamejolt administration will again overthink what they’re doing, how much damage they’re causing to people while doing nothing good for anyone, and will cancel this discriminative and unfair decision.
The only thing I can say is I am sorry to hear about this and you could try other platforms. Good luck and hope to see more of your work in the future.