not sure if this is still relevant, but really sorry to hear that.
assuming it remains relevant, added to the avoid/boycott list
been following your game for a while, so i can even claim personal offense to gamejolt's decision. [besides wanting to dab at creating such content myself, someday]
most unfortunate this trend continues and anyone who thinks "oh, but it's just one site, move" is a valid response/solution, then they don't understand how blanket censorship/discrimination/persecution actually works. what's to say itch won't do this? or steam? how about someone tries to ban it under federal law? it IS a concentrated effort. it may just seem a "marketing decision" looking at just the corporation, but besides the individual motives of the executives [all of which should be questioned] , there's those out there putting pressure on these companies because they don't like it or "god condemns this" , whatever shit they can think of.
also, taking-down specific major hubs of communication/distribution/gathering/etc... is actually a great way to carry-out a witch-hunt as this. the fewer safe havens you have, the harder your life/lifestyle becomes to sustain. in the case of artists and gamedevs, it is important to have widespread distribution/promotion of your works. not sure in the grand scheme of things the size of gamejolt, but losing any of the major hubs is a major blow to an artist or gamedev. and adult creators have absolutely lost or been locked-out of multiple major hubs that no doubt has impacted their ability to survive and thrive. [and ofc, it's damaged sex-positive communities.] you can't run and hide forever. you'll eventually become cornered or buried in obscurity. there's a reason SOME people don't like being de-platformed from say, Twitter? same logic. it's a major hub, being forced off that one site cuts you off from a not insignificant part of the internet.
arguing also that sexual content is harmful to the brands of kongregate, armorgames, or fandom is also just absurd. i'd say it's opposite and their decision to disallow it drove a not insignificant amount of traffic, and thus business, ad revenue, away from their sites entirely. also, kong clearly doesn't really care about their brand, seeing how they've done about everything they can to make EVERYONE leave the site. adult content is the least of their concerns, their leadership is incompetent, which is putting it mildly. they seem to be depending now on some deals with major brands, their complete death or the loss of their independence as a company looms near.
also, nintendo realized back in the 90s they needed content for a more mature audience on their systems. disney has bought-out brands with more mature audiences/themes, attempting to kid-ify them has been quite harmful to their brand, ironic! tumblr was in jeopardy after they banned adult content. couldn't even find anyone to buy them. they now sit in relative obscurity, so they made a great decision for their brand, didn't they? there's a phrase, "sex sells". companies that care to grow their brand know this. wouldn't see so many sexualized mobile game ads on google and youtube if they didn't.
The only thing I can say is I am sorry to hear about this and you could try other platforms. Good luck and hope to see more of your work in the future.